reminds me...
of old cartoons that I used to watch as a kid. Those kind of like Tom and Jerry with no voices and just had music to go with them doing shenanigains but props man for doing a good job
reminds me...
of old cartoons that I used to watch as a kid. Those kind of like Tom and Jerry with no voices and just had music to go with them doing shenanigains but props man for doing a good job
it was ok..
i missed tommorrows nobodies but ... this one was just ok
you are hallarious and great flash it was a little talky but i thought it was good for this toon keep em coming!!
it was well worth the wait for it indeed
I really enjoyed this one it had an old school videogame feel and I am sure thats what you were going for I loved all the artwork and the sound FX the ending wasnt bad like you said its about what they did in castle crashers lol
this is an ok animation, and apparently it has turned into a series but to be honest I didnt laugh at all, the topics were just boring to be. numbers and freaking civil war oooooh so funny harharhar
it was a...
complete parody of iron bad and it was a very poor version, the animation could have been better and the voice could have been not as annoying. it would proboly have been funnier if you added more to the story but I would suggest retrying this flash
great job
a very nice and smooth animation, much improvment than your other one
I love Dungeons and Dragons and you represented it very well for the most part, very good job I hope you do more like this. :D
I miss todd!!!!
but still a good sequal ;)
i fear no evil for i am fear incarnate
Age 34, Male
Rockwall High School
Joined on 2/6/07