ok that gay ass "happy cutie bunny easter" video on the fucking front page lmao so I got banned from making reviews for 10 days haha, like I care really I dont give reviews unless it is exceptionally good or so super awful that the author(s) deserve to have a rocket propelled chainsaw shot up their ass and for some fun cover it in AIDS and keep them alive on a machine for as long as possible while not treating the STD haha thats what I think of the gay mother fucking authors I give bad reviews to FUCKING CUNTS muhahahaha
My reiview of happy cutie bunny easter:
"newgrounds has come to a new low letting this google image, basically slideshow on the front page, who ever put this up here.... you suck dick"
And this is the reason moderator Coop83 gave for the ban"
"No excuses for insulting the author. Please don't lower yourself to their level"
LMAFO!!!! even fucking underdog of the week has a better score than happy cunt bunny easter